
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Who are we?

Hello my name is Jesse for the last couple of days we have been creating a DLO and a slide first we had to listen to the clip of the sound and read the book and then we made a timeline about what happens to the Maori people. In the 1970 the Pakeha people went and they hunted all of the wales and the seals. The seals skin was used for oil and then the people from France and England followed to spread Christianity. And that is what happened. This is what we made.

The school we are working with

Hello my name is Jesse for the last lesson we have been trying to find out who we were going to be working with I don't know what it is for but we had to find out who they were the school. The school name was St Peters School and they are from Cambridge we had gotten a box that had 3d glasses and some paper we had to make a answer garden and we had to write what empathy. But we also had to find out what school it was by getting some clues and me and another person got the answer it was kinda hard but in the end I got it. 

Image result for st peters schoolImage result for school kit

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Book Review

Hello my name is Jesse for the last couple of weeks we have been reading and I finished a book the book is called I just get angry and it is made by Timothy Bowden and Sandra Bowden I chose this book because it was a comic. Overall I like the book because there is a lot of details and photos my favorite part was when he stopped getting so angry I would recommend this book to people that get angry. I rate it a 5.0 
Image result for I just get so angry

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bar Graph

Hello my name is Jesse for the last couple of weeks we have been doing math last week we counted the cars on Carmen Rd we counted the ones closed to us and it was easy but it was kinda hard to count because some cars were all coming at the same time.