
Monday, November 25, 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Hello my name is Jesse and I go to Hornby High School I like to learn about math and reading doing the Summer Learning Journey what sound interesting about the summer learning journey is winning the prizes. I am most interested in doing some of the activities and doing blogs I think the summer learning journey would be good because you are learning more things in the holidays and I think other people should do it to.  Image result for summer learning journey 2019 2020
What would you favorite subject be?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reading Work

Hello my name is Jesse for the last couple of weeks we have been doing reading and we had to finish our book and this is what I made enjoy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Hello my name is Jesse and today we were planting seeds we planted corn and sunflower and I done gym sport we played crash pad cricket and we played tennis. Some of the plants we had planted two weeks ago had already started growing and they were corn the garden looks good because we have done so much to it first it had started of bad and then it started to look good.Image result for Garden

The Broken Bus

Once there was a bus that had crashed in a forest. There were people in the bus and the bus had got stuck and could not get out. Then they went hunting for food and then they got food and then it was the next morning. So they climbed trees and then they saw a way to get out of the forest. It was the next night and they were cold so they made a fire and then when it was the next morning and they went to go to the exit and then they got out of the forest and they were safe. When they got home their parents were scared but at the same time they were happy because they were home. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tane Mahuta

Hello my name is Jesse today we were doing gardening and gym sport for gym sport we played Kick long ball and human pinball and then we went to CIP. I went with Mr's Allen and we pulled out some silver beat and 1 cauliflower and the food we collected is going to people that do not have a lot of money and not a lot of  food.

Image result for garden


Hello my name is Jesse we had to do a task and we had to do a sentence for some and these are mine

Mr Twits beard is revolting because it smells bad.

Mr Twit put a tiny morsel of toast in his mouth.

Mr Twits beard is wonky because it is out of place.

Mr's Twits cackled because she laughs loud.

Mr's Twits situation has gradually improved.

Mr and Mr's Twit are extraordinary because they are unusual

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Twits

Hello my name is Jesse for the last couple of weeks we have started a new book called The Twits we had to do the definition of some words and then  if we were a fast finisher we could start the bonus task. The task was to create a book cover for the book and this mine the one on the left is Mr's Twit and the one on the right is Mr Twit.